Stewardship for all seasons
We are COUNTING OUR GIFTS in response to God’s grace and love in Christ Jesus and in appreciation of St. Luke Lutheran Church’s ministry. I/we intend to give this offering during 2025 in support of the congregation’s ministry and outreach. I/we understand that this amount may be changed if necessary.
what we believe
what we believe
St. Luke Lutheran Church (ELCA) is a community where the love of God in Christ is expressed. We believe in God’s faithfulness shown to us in Jesus Christ, and the amazing grace that we receive in God’s work of salvation.
God has gathered us all for the sake of the Gospel. God empowers us all to live out that Good News in the world. God sends us all as servants into a world in need of Jesus’ love.
Jesus is our example. We are not perfect people, but strive to err on the side of grace. It is Jesus Christ who is transforming this world, and together we discern how to faithfully join in this ministry of joy.
Christian ​Formation
Christian ​Formation