Christian Education Team
Christian Education Team
The Christian Education Team shall be responsible for the leadership and supervision of the total education program of the congregation. This ministry consists of those parishioners who possess interest in the area of Christian education. Membership includes the Pastor, the Youth Director, a Church Council liaison, plus members of the congregation at large. This ministry operates under the direction of a chairperson and secretary. Meetings are scheduled based upon need. This ministry promotes Christian education of all ages by offering programs designed within the parameters of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America doctrine. Christian Education ministry creates programs for Confirmation, Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, High School Youth, Middle School Youth, Family, and Adult Education designed to biblically inform and spiritually edify. This ministry utilizes congregation members to assist and encourage the spiritual and theological growth of the community. The Christian Education ministry shall bring ordained ministry and other full-time church vocations to the attention of qualified youth of this congregation and encourage Christian higher education.
Evangelism Team
Evangelism Team
The Evangelism Team’s mission is to help people of all ages become faithful followers of Jesus Christ by: 1) Outreach into the community, including marketing throughout the area to ensure that the community knows about and is attracted to St. Luke. 2) Ministry to inactive members. 3) New member recruitment and engagement and new member classes. 4) Equip members to relationally share their faith by helping and inviting others to become faithful followers of Christ. 5) Encourage members to maintain hospitality at all times during worship services.
Church Property Team
Church Property Team
The Church Property Team shall attend to the repair, maintenance, and improvement of the real property and physical plant owned by this congregation, protect it from loss or damage, and see that it is adequately insured. This team shall make regular inspections of church properties, identify necessary or desirable items of maintenance, repair, change, alteration, or improvement, determine the estimated cost, and provide its recommendation to the Church Council. It shall negotiate all service, repair, or improvement contracts and shall also be responsible for supervision of any work done on the premises. It shall procure church equipment and furnishings, supervise and maintain the office and audiovisual equipment, and supervise, control, and assign storage facilities. This team shall maintain current inventory and appraisal of all property and equipment, official documents in safekeeping. This team shall review written job descriptions for any custodial or maintenance positions to be filled by paid church employees and shall supervise those employees. It shall also be involved in interviewing prospective employees for those positions and submits its recommendations to the Personnel Team.
Memorial Team
Memorial Team
The Memorial Team shall maintain a record of all memorial gift monies donated to this congregation, along with the donor’s name and desires. It shall also maintain a list of potential gifts and their approximate cost for use in consultation with donors. It shall arrange for the procurement of memorial gifts, their dedication, and proper recording in the memorial record book. It shall maintain a written policy of guidelines for the offering and acceptance of gifts.
Nominating Team
Nominating Team
The mission of the Nominating Team is to seek out people of faith and commitment to Jesus to serve in positions of leadership. The team prepares and submits a slate of candidates for election to the Church Council prior to the annual meeting for the following year. It consists of six voting members of this congregation, two of whom, if possible, shall be outgoing members of the Church Council. This team consists of elected representatives, elected at the Annual Congregational Meeting.
Community Concerns Team
Community Concerns Team
The Community Concerns Team shall create an awareness of Christian social responsibility within members of this congregation and, by example, encourage them to extend Christian compassion to this community. It shall coordinate response by this congregation to social and emergency needs within this congregation and the community. The Community Concerns Team oversees the Mt. Meru Coffee, LWR Backpacks and Relief Kits, Gingerbread House & Samaritan Home Christmas Tree Gift Projects, Milwaukee Street Angels, Breaking the Chains Prison Ministry, Redeemer Lutheran (our Sister-Church), Feeding America, Habitat for Humanity, and Operation Inasmuch.
Worship & Music Team
Worship & Music Team
The Worship & Music Team shall be responsible for all aspects of congregational worship. This team, along with the Pastor, shall see that the Word of God is taught and preached in its truth and purity, that the Sacraments are rightly administered, and that the special rites of the Church are performed in conformity with the accepted practices of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. It shall be responsible, in conjunction with the Pastor, for setting the time, schedule, and number of worship and communion services. It shall establish and maintain standards for the music program of the church, for the choir(s), soloists, and musical instruments to enhance the worship services and musical events. It shall plan and publicize all the worship services of the year, including special services or events. It shall decorate the sanctuary to match appropriate liturgical seasons. It shall review written job descriptions for any musician positions to be filled by church employees. It shall also be involved in interviewing prospective employees for those positions and submit its recommendations to the Personnel Team.
Worship Enablers Team
Worship Enablers Team
The Worship Enablers Team shall be responsible for training and supervising greeters, ushers, acolytes, communion assistants, bread bakers, and assistant ministers. They are also responsible for the care, use, and maintenance of sacred vessels, altar furnishings, vestments, and the maintenance of an adequate supply of expendable items in relation to worship. It works with the Worship & Music Team.
Church Personnel Team
Church Personnel Team
Membership of the Church Personnel Team includes the President of the Church Council, the pastor, and two members of the congregation appointed by the Church Council. It shall meet as often as necessary to accomplish its work. This team is to assess the personnel needs of the church, make recommendations on how to allocate resources to staff church ministries and to develop/implement a Christian and comprehensive approach to church human resource management.
Audit Team
Audit Team
The mission of the Audit Team is to assure the members of the congregation that its financial affairs have been managed with integrity and to the honor of Jesus. This group meets once a year to perform an audit of the financial books of the congregation and its auxiliaries. This ensures that all proper accounting procedures are followed. Recommendations for improvements are brought to the Church Treasurer and to the Church Council. The team consists of three voting members shall be elected by the Church Council. Audit Team members shall not be members of the Church Council. Term of office shall be three years, with one member elected each year.
Stewardship Team
Stewardship Team
The Stewardship Team has a primary purpose to provide opportunities for the congregation to share their gifts, both through financial serving and support of the ministries of our congregation. They emphasize the gifts of members and encourage them to participate in the areas of their gifts. And they educate and inspire our members to share their financial gifts.
Fellowship Team
Fellowship Team
Taking our guidance from Acts 2:42, which tells us that the earliest church saw "…the Apostles' teaching…fellowship…the breaking of bread…and prayer" as four essentials at the heart of the Christian life, St Luke Lutheran Church commits itself to sustain a vibrant life of fellowship opportunities. We understand that communities of faith that do so maintain the spirit of joy and mutual love that Christ desires for his Church. To that end, the Fellowship Team of St Luke Lutheran Church is charged with overseeing the fellowship opportunities offered there. They will faithfully model that same spirit of joy and mutual love as they brainstorm, initiate, and publicize events that function to bring our community together in Christ's name. It is encouraged to solicit participation and engagement from the congregation when it comes to implementing those events.
Charitable Endowment Board
Charitable Endowment Board
The Charitable Endowment Board has been established to receive, manage, and distribute funds for those in need within our walls, as well as to national and global charities. The focus of this fund is to extend St Luke’s outreach to those in need in three ways: 1) Service outreach opportunities in our community. 2) Mission Outreach at home and abroad. 3) Support of new or unique ministries of the church. This Charitable Endowment Board takes great joy in sharing our gifts with others.